Zen's Aviary...
Home of the Parrot-Loving, Slightly Neurotic,

Jewelry Designing, Enigmatic Pagan Chick!

it's snowing and i'm sad...

sorry i've been neglecting dear diaryland lately. a bit of unpleasantry in my own real life has kept me from wanting to put things to "paper". for the happy news first! my step-daughter is having a girl! i'm going to have a granddaughter! i suggest i start the spoiling immediately!

in other news...marriage is not going happily. the hubby is not speaking to me at all; only deigning to grace me with a nasty snarl if we do happen to cross paths with each other in this house of ours. i'm hiding in my aviary, my place of peace and solitude. i only leave for bathroom breaks. we had a really bad fight last night ending with him knocking me to the floor, calling me names and telling me he wanted out of our marriage. i'll write later and explain what the fight is about.

right now, i'm about to go out on my front porch and enjoy the four inches of snow we got last night. (i'm actually bundling up in a warm blanket to sit on my adirondack chair on the front porch to smoke a ciggie. can't smoke inside due to my darling fids).

more later...

~zen (feeling sad and defeated) 8 little birdies chirped

10:15 a.m. :: ::
fly back :: fly forward