
Smed - 2007-01-23 12:20:18
Hey Zen. I did some more googling, because I was a bit mystified. I came up with other links that said Ohio WAS a community property state - so he would need to prove ownership. I think there was a typo in that site I quoted from. Anyway, get a good lawyer! Get a good job. And be good to yourself and your birds!
Stephanie - 2007-01-23 15:09:12
Your husband can't just pick and choose what he wants. All household goods (including cars) are jointly owned, no matter who actually paid for them. You need legal counsel.
Yvonne - 2007-01-23 15:31:33
Don't let him take advantage of you.
Seacreature - 2007-01-23 18:13:05
Wow, you applied for 11 jobs! Great! Something is bound to come up. Crossing my fingers, toes, eyes, arms and legs for you to get the job you REAAALLY want! And please, find out about your rights. Don't listen to his bullshit. Someone who can't find it in their heart to love someone for who they are has got major issues. What a selfish turd. I'm sorry for the name calling, but I just can't believe what he's put you through...and now this. As they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
autumn - 2007-01-24 14:35:08
Hey, legal beagle here. There are 8 community property states: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Washington. And Wisconsin has a statute that functions very much like community property laws. Ohio is not a CP state. More importantly, you need a lawyer. Make sure he/she is a divorce lawyer, not just one who has handled a couple of easy divorces in the past. This could get nasty, and you need competent representation. The state bar association should have a lawyer referral program; check for a web site. Property distribution will be settled in court -- not by your husband telling you today what he wants and what you can have. Mr. Control Freak doesn't get to call the shots this time. The sooner you have an attorney, the sooner your rights and interests will be protected. It sucks out loud that you have to be going through all this turmoil. You don't deserve it, and when it's all over and done with it, I just know you'll be a happier, stronger woman.
stepfordtart - 2007-01-24 18:12:40
Omigoodness! I missed your last post and had to click back. Dont know that I can offer anything in the way of practical advice - it all works differently over there than it does here - but having been there, done that I can only send you loads of love and a listening ear if you want to have a rant/whine/moan. s x
Holly - 2007-01-25 17:20:33
Good luck on the job hunting. As to the asshole, document every detail, everythign he says, does, threatens etc.. write down every word, every action and date it, in a diary. Second of all, get a really good attourney who has handled ugly divorces, there are usually legal services in the yellow pages than can help get you started. In most places, anaything you can't agree on, can be sold and the proceeds divided up. After years of support, and your disability, which was no secret from him, you can also take him for allimony. With the right documentation and lawyer you can leave him with nothing but his underwear. Any guy who would do that to a woman deserves a lot less. Good luck, sister
Tia - 2007-01-28 02:01:20
I am going to write to you privately because I don't know if your husband knows about your diary. That said, I sense you will indeed get healthy--when you're rid of him. What he is doing is terrible and you are much too kind and sweet for his rotten, churlish behavior.
Stephanie - 2007-01-30 18:00:58
It's been a while... Are you okay?

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