
LA - 2006-07-21 22:06:32
Sorry to hear you're hurting again, tootsela. That's great news about the convo with hubby though! Well done. ~LA
Cosmic - 2006-07-22 13:25:56
Yes, I will be polting a do-da link for my book. I went to your jewelry site. Beautiful stuff! I need an eyeglass chain. Do you plan on making more? There aren't any there.
Stephanie - 2006-07-23 11:53:47
I'm glad to hear that you and your husband had a good discussion, versus a screamfest. It's so much easier to listen to someone when they're not yelling at you!
stepfordtart - 2006-07-24 17:44:38
I heartily endorse the use of the word Wanker (and its female counterpart, the Wankerene). s x
cat - 2006-07-28 15:08:38
Yay! I'm so glad you're on the mend--physically and emotionally. Keep taking care of yourself. *Hugs*

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